The fourth part 'the system of force majeure in Anglo-American law ( system)', explains frustration of contract and force majeure clause in Anglo-American law ( system) assume jointly the part function of the system of force majeure. 第四章是英国法上不可抗力制度,该部分说明了合同落空制度与不可抗力条款共同承担不可抗力制度的部分功能。
Frustration, Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus and Force Majeure ── Also on the Selection of the Corresponding legislative Modle in China On the Failing Contract Principle in Great Britain and the U.S.Law Systems 合同落空、情势变更与不可抗力&兼论我国相应立法的模式选择论英美法的合同落空原则
Frustration of Contract as a peculiar system in Anglo-American law system, exists as the exception system of 'Pacta Sunt Servanda', after centuries of judicial precedent has become the prevailing practice in Anglo-American law system. 合同落空制度作为英美法系中所特有的制度,是作为合同必须信守原则的例外制度而存在的,历经数百年的司法判例实践已成为通行于英美法系国家的一项合同制度。
Besides, further describes the inscape, restrict, legal consequences and its lack of competition in practice, description and dialectical analysis on the specific system of the frustration of purpose of the contract. 其次,在实践层面进一步介绍了合同目的落空制度的构成要件、适用限制、法律后果及其不足之争,对合同目的落空的具体制度问题进行了详细的介绍和辩证的分析。
Finally, the thesis tries to come up with some ideas on building the pre-contract system for advance sales of commercial housing in terms of the legislative mode, the protection of property rights and the principle of changed circumstances according to the doctrine of frustration of contract. 最后,从选择立法模式、加强物权保护、借鉴情事变更原则等方面对构建我国的预售商品房预约合同制度提出设想。
But a complete contract including all risks is only an ideal pursue, the doctrine of frustration of contract is still a very important doctrine. 但是对所有风险均进行约定的所谓完整合同只是一种理想化的追求,因此,合同受挫制度仍然发挥着重要作用。